This week, we’re looking at one of the latest projects from D-Essentials Inc. Construction on The Wing House is set to begin in the summer of 2020. But first, here’s a sneak peek at the design…

The Wing House

The Wing House is an exclusive residential project, designed for modern living. As well as two residential floors, The Wing House includes a peaceful garden and a pool area with plenty of space.

The Wing House is designed to be a place of calm and comfort. The garden is partially landscaped with white gravel, which compliments the house itself, and reminds us of classic Zen gardens.

The house itself is simple and minimalist. The ground floor is walled with glass, so that the residents can enjoy the view. Upstairs, delicate wooden beams provide privacy and harmony with the natural world.

The Wing House has an interior and outdoor living room, so that residents can choose the space which feels most comfortable, day by day. The spacious living rooms with connecting doors are also perfect for entertaining. Guests can spill over into the pool area.

We love the Wing House because of its simple design, modern look, and the perfect balance between privacy and connection with the natural world. What do you think?

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