Are you ready for a new decade of designs? As 2019 draws to a close, here are 4 design resolutions we’re making for 2020.

Design for a green world

At D-Essentials, we’re committed to designing for the planet. That means sustainable materials, renewable energy, and home and office designs which work with the local environment.

Shrinking your carbon footprint doesn’t mean going back to the dark ages. In fact, sustainable designs and eco-friendly materials are at the cutting edge of style… and they can be more cost-effective than conventional, polluting materials.

Clear out the clutter

Marie Kondo’s philosophy of a clean home was big news in 2019 – but she’s not the first designer to have the same idea. We like this rule from William Morris, an iconic artist and architect from England:

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”

So get rid of clutter and let your design shine!

Resolution #3: Add some color

At the end of every year, there’s a flood of trend pieces predicting the next big thing in interior design. And this year, most designers seem to agree: 2020 will be all about big, vibrant colors. Get ready to swap cutesy pastel shades and beige neutrals for peacock blue, bottle green, crimson red, and deep, textured shades of black.

Resolution #4: Get a natural glow

Last of all, it’s time to bring more light into your home and office. Most of us don’t get enough natural light, which can lead to vitamin deficiencies and illness.

Install double-glazed windows to make the most of natural light and keep your home warm. If your design doesn’t suit large windows, then try to recreate natural light as much as you can. Use blue light filters on screens, and use soft golden bulbs for lighting. We love solar lamps and smart lighting which can be adjusted throughout the day.